Narcissism and alcoholism: Is there a link?

While there is room for interpretation, a person with NPD and/or AUD must meet a minimum standard before a diagnosis can be delivered with confidence. Someone who has a diagnosis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) experiences grandiose, arrogant behavior patterns that are coupled with a lack of empathy and need to be admired. These behaviors are at the expense of other people, including loved ones. NuView Treatment Center is a top leading Los Angeles outpatient alcohol and drug rehab program. Our goal is to inspire hope and create lasting change while you or a loved one are coping with the challenges of mental health and addiction – one client at a time.

alcoholism and narcissistic personality disorder

While narcissism and alcoholism don’t always occur together, there are some reasons why narcissists might be more prone to developing an alcohol use disorder than the average person. The current study explored the relationship between narcissism and alcohol use, alcohol-related problems, problem recognition, evaluation, and problem expectancies in a college population. Grandiose and vulnerable narcissism differentially predicted all five of the outcomes. Some individuals have both Narcissistic Personality Disorder and an active addiction. Coping with someone with a dual diagnosis can be more difficult than if that person suffered from only narcissism or untreated alcoholism. Whatever the case may be, people need effective alcoholism treatment A strong treatment program will address both the problematic drinking and any other psychological issues, including narcissistic tendencies.

Narcissistic acts in everyday life

You’ve joined your colleagues for a drink after work, and as the night progresses, your narcissistic boss’s behavior becomes increasingly intolerable. But narcissists lack the empathy required to value or show interest in others and have difficulty making meaningful connections. Historically, Alcoholics narcissism and alcoholism Anonymous “recognizes pathological narcissism as a central problem in alcoholism” (Levin, 1987, p. 332; for a clinical sample, see Sawrie, Watson, Sherbak, Greene, & Arredondo, 1997). Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor who has been providing mental health services for over 10 years.

Can a narcissist love someone?

It may sound harsh, but many of the features of NPD are antithetical to love. Narcissists may show you love and act in loving ways, but this tends to be conditional, in that displays of love depend on what you can give them in return. For people with NPD, relationships tend to be transactional.

When a narcissist gets drunk, the situation can quickly deteriorate as their grandiose behavior becomes increasingly exaggerated. In the same way, those with AUD can be emotional, irritable, unpredictable, and impulsive, especially when inebriated or when they feel attacked or pressured to stop drinking. Narcissists are prone to dramatic mood swings and may change their behavior and attitudes without warning, especially if they feel they’ve been wronged in some way, real or imagined.

Where to find support if you’re experiencing NPD or AUD

When narcissism is combined with the cravings and impulses of alcoholism, this behavior only worsens. Relapse is a common experience among people who are recovering from AUD. You can take steps to prevent relapse, such as recognizing your triggers and joining a support group.

Similarly, many people who misuse alcohol might display very few signs of narcissism. Although it may be impossible to prevent NPD, people can take steps to reduce the risk of developing additional disorders through the understanding that it is common for substance misuse disorders to co-occur. The study commented that people who show grandiose traits may have feelings of importance in an environment of drinking where this quality may thrive. Narcissists with low self-esteem may gain acceptance from others or a sense of security through alcohol consumption or use it as a coping mechanism for dealing with distress.

The neurotic personality of our time

Individuals who are experiencing these symptoms would benefit from considering a treatment program for alcohol abuse. A person struggling with alcoholism can appear to dismiss friends and family to spend time with others that support their need to drink excessively. To family, it can appear that their loved one is putting these newfound friends ahead of them (similar to what a narcissist would do).