Preparing For Your Board Meeting

The preparation for your board meeting is one of the most important steps you can take to ensure that your meeting is successful. A well-run meeting will result in an informed decision and efficient use of everyone’s precious time.

This begins with the agenda. The agenda should clearly convey the most important issues to be discussed as well as decisions that must be taken. It is also crucial that the materials for the meeting are sent out in advance of the meeting, ideally at least a week before the meeting prior to the meeting, so that Board members and the participants have enough time to prepare for the meeting.

If there are any issues that require to be addressed or a lack information in the board package It is a good idea to schedule a conference call with the individuals involved prior to the meeting. This will allow the Board member to talk about any concerns they may have with the Management or CEO and to request additional information to prepare for the meeting. This will help reduce the number questions asked at the meeting and make it more productive and efficient.

It’s an excellent idea to conduct some background research or study into any issues that might come up at the meeting. You can accomplish this by asking for more details from the appropriate individuals or by looking up external sources. You’ll be more informed and be capable of asking more thoughtful and insightful questions that enhance the value of the meeting.